Chia-Pool Fee
Easy, Reliable, Secure, low Pool Fee.
Fee | XCHpool | august 12th
The XCHPool Chia-Pool fees are defined as follows:

XCHPool Fee
The XCHPool Basic Fee is 1%

Long term XCHPool discount
The longer you are a XCHPool Chia Farmer member the following discounts do apply.
- 0.05% > 6 Months
- 0.10% > 12 Months
- 0.15% > 18 Months

XCHPool PoolSize discount
The larger your Chiafarm added to XCHPool the following additional discounts will be applied on the XCHPool Fee
- 0.05% > 100 TB
- 0.10% > 250 TB
- 0.15% > 500 TB
- 0.20% > 1 PB

No need to sign up, you join the XCHPOOL with a smart contract on the chia network, the pool only knows your wallet address.

Payouts will be processed through the PPLNS methodology every 24 hours starting at 18:00 UTC, the process might take several hours before you get your rewards added to your wallet. This is blockchain and processing time related.

With combined discounts , the Fee will never be lower than 0.75%

XCHPool members from start
Earlier promises do stay intact!
- XCHPool Chia Farmers who became member from start until July 8th 2021 05:00 UTC there is a lifetime 0% Fee.
- Chia Farmers who joined XCHPool between July 8th 2021 05:00 UTC and August 12th 2021 23:59 UTC the 3 months 0% Fee is applied. (0% Fee is valid until October 8th2021).

XCHPool Statistics
Recently Farmed Chia, our Pool Netspace and members explorer.xchpool.org

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