Hi Farmers!
At XCHPool we wanted to do something funny, so we decided to launch our very own XCHPool coin, which we distribute for free to all XCHPool farmers, so hereby we’re happy to announce POOLCOIN (XPC) a meme coin with a very limited supply! Every farmer that has farmed for at least 24 hours in XCHPool in January 2022 has got 0.1 XPC dropped in their wallets already, and next month we’ll drop another 0.1 XPC!
If you have questions about our XCHPool coin for free, the light wallet, or anything related, don’t hesitate to ask, we have opened a channel #poolcoin on our Discord especially for this purpose.
We are very curious if some of you are going to trade the coin on offerbin.io and 🙂 Who will be the first to have a whole 1.0 XPC? 🙂
Some side notes:
- You will need the Chia Light Wallet beta to receive, send, and trade CAT’s. When Chia v1.3 comes out the light wallet will be integrated in the main chia software, but for now you will have to download and run it separately from here: chia.net/download/
- XPC is already listed on xchtoken.org so you can find the Asset ID there
Thank you for farming with us!
The XCHPool team